
Politics, Foreign Policy, Current Events and Occasional Outbursts Lacking Couth

Photo via the extremely comical Songun Blog

"RUMOURS have swirled that Kim Jong Il, North Korea’s dictator, is gravely ill. The 66-year-old, officials said in Seoul, had suffered a “collapse”. South Korea’s president, Lee Myung-bak, was worried enough to call an emergency meeting with senior aides. An anonymous American intelligence official in Washington might have been at the bedside: Mr Kim, she told reporters, was probably half-paralysed following a stroke. (Mysteriously, South Korean spooks later reported he was recovering from surgery.) On Wednesday September 10th North Korean diplomat denied the claims as “nefarious machinations”, noting that the Western press had a habit of telling lies (unlike the snow-pure Pyongyang Times)."


Dick Stanley said...

What do you bet he's in Houston, assuming the Texas Medical Center has got its power back by now? That's where all the flush dictators go to try to keep on keeping on.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Keep your fingers crossed, guys. Soon...

Jay@Soob said...

dick, and perhaps room mates with Osama bin Laden.

Snoop, out with old and back in with the old I suppose. From what I've read Kim's son will (naturally) be taking his place upon his demise.

GW said...

During the times I was stationed in Korea, we came very close to war there twice in 81 and again in 84 - and we actually did have a shooting incident in 84 at PMJ that could have kicked off a war but for the Swiss jumping out into the middle of it (very brave, very stupid, very lucky). At any rate, I fully expected that war would occur after the death of Kim Il Sung. Kim Jong Il is notoriously unstable. The fact that the world has gotten to this point without him sending his troops across the DMZ is pretty amazing, actually. The world will be a tiny bit safer when the Dear Leader goes for that eternal dirt nap.