
Politics, Foreign Policy, Current Events and Occasional Outbursts Lacking Couth

The Republicans blame Nancy Pelosi for her ill timed and completely vapid speech laying current crisis at the feet of President Bush. The Democrats blame the Republicans for voting nay due to "hurt feelings" in light of an ill timed and vapid speech given by Nancy Pelosi laying the current crisis at the feet of President Bush. The easy conclusion here is that everything is Nancy Pelosi's fault. She should have her head shaved, be bundled up and mailed to a North Korean nunnery.

The reality is (beyond the doubtful existence of North Korean nunneries) that enough of the overdressed cement heads from each side of the aisle eyeballed the looming election, barely more than a month away, and the raucous negativity their constituents rained on this proposal and got cold feet. Democracy in action. Even if it's only every two years right around the 10th and 11th calendar month.


ortho said...

Why do you blame politicians for the "Bailout Bill" failure? The politicians were only following their masters' directions. Thousands of Americans wanted the bailout bill voted down. Today, Americans got what they wanted. Today was a great day for democracy!

Jay@Soob said...

Ortho, perhaps you missed this part of my post:

"Democracy in action. Even if it's only every two years right around the 10th and 11th calendar month."

ortho said...

I did not miss that part of your post.

Jay@Soob said...

Okay. Perhaps I missed the true message of your comment. I am a bit dim, after all.

Dick Stanley said...

Great idea for Nancy. If only the Koreans would take her.

Jay@Soob said...

Lol. A measure of leverage in our NK nuke talks, perhaps?

The Whited Sepulchre said...

Hey, now that The Dear Leader has been taken ill, I'm sure that the North Korean Communist Party is looking for a replacement with a similar mindset.
You could be on to something here.